Yahoo! wins? Perhaps. Will Microsoft have the last laugh?

Microsoft retracts the bid it had made on Feb 1 to buy Yahoo! It seems like “Playing hard to get” worked to break Microsoft. However, is this a good thing for Yahoo! in the long term? What do you think? Give me your comments below.

My view is this decision is good for Microsoft in the short term. Although this would have given Microsoft a shortcut to achieving some much needed headway in getting a chance to catch up to Google. Now they can concentrate on their own business and figure out how genuine Microsoft creativity can compete fairly.

As far as Yahoo! is concerned, I hope the perception that they won doesn’t end up being a “Pyrrhic Victory”. Perhaps this reminds you of something you were selling and didn’t take an offer and ended up regretting it. Well, time will tell.

One thing that Microsoft might have realized is, the field has 4 candidates, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and yes So if they buy Yahoo to eliminate them, they will pay a huge price for it. Maybe if they give Yahoo! enough rope they might hang themselves. Then the “Mission Accomplished” banner can go up again. (Sorry couldn’t resist 🙂

I welcome your comments.


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