MySpace Launches Mobile to follow Facebook yet again.

MySpace announced today that it is launching a mobile version of their site so users can access the site’s features on their cell phones. They are making waves on news stations and sites.

A former leader in the Social Networking Web 2.0 space, they are already following Facebook which has had a mobile version for some time now. This is not what a leader does, they have to release things before others, not follow the likes of Facebook.

Another area that MySpace will, inevitably follow Facebook is the opening of their platform to developers, an area where Facebook circumvented all others in their rear viewfinder now, by encouraging developers to develop for their platform freely.

I am already hearing people saying, “I am on Facebook” or “You can find me on Facebook”. Although Facebook was originally designed to connect college students with each other, it is already beginning to take off in the business crowd. But this is not what this article is about. I am amazed that a small startup like Facebook is prompting behemoths like MySpace and eventually a lot of others to move in the direction it heads.

I will keep following the trend and see how Facebook moves are changing the Internet space. I will talk about the impact of opening their platform in a future article. This is becoming a concern to Microsoft of all people.

Let’s see how this last MySpace move will pan out for the company. These are just my opinions and observations, I welcome yours.

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