Secrets that may improve your credit score and help get you a job

Did you know that some companies look to see if you read all directions before filling up a form? How about the fact that some of them look to see if you use ALL CAPS or no caps when filling in an online form?

So if you are filling out a form or an application online, read instructions, they can track how long you were on the page and see if you are the type that reads and follows instructions. Another important issue is CapiTAlizing the right letters and having proper punctuation which can show you’re not treating this as a text message.

On the flip side, when the application is filled up by hand, all caps might show you as more of a critical thinker like an Engineer, etc. So when filling out paper forms, print (printing is the process of writing all caps by hand), and do it legibly.

Apparently some lending institutions are also looking at this on loan applications. It might show how careful you are about your image (Source: German company: Kreditech) you’re more likely to be the same way with your loan. Human behavior is human behavior.

The other thing you might not have payed close attention to but you should be careful nonetheless is your online social profile. This will play a larger role in the coming decade. If you’re a deadbeat on Ebay, well chances are you’ll be a deadbeat when it comes to paying off your loan or performing your job. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so be careful what signals you send to bankers or employers.

Of course not all lenders or companies subscribe to these ideas, so you still have time to be inefficient, but remember that what’s online tends to stay there forever…

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