The most important secret in marketing is to put the cart before the horse

If you are generating content for your product or service, unless it is for the betterment of knowledge for mankind, you need to be able to convert. If you are not converting the leads you are generating fodder for cars. While fodder might be important for animals, it is useless for cars. Stop wasting your time and resources.

Most marketers tell you you need 3 things for content to be effective, It needs to be Findable, Sharable (Worthy of sharing), and Convertible, and by that I don’t mean the car type convertible, I mean Able to Be Converted.

So start with that feature in mind. There is no “Build it and they’ll come”, Twitter has been battling this for years. We all know how indispensable it is now (It took a long time to be understood), some people still don’t. So te entire world is using it, and that same entire world has changed because of it. But the company still doesn’t know how it is going to monetize this shift in paradigm (Sorry Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Dick Costolo who still toils with the task of finding a way to monetize content).

So when you start with Convertibility in mind, you might find that the idea for the product or service, although great in and of itself, might not be feasible to make. That’s if you want it to convert, and generate revenue or something else that leads to generating revenue, like creating leads etc.

Most of us have watched Shark Tank, where the investors start by hearing about the idea, then move quickly into, “How do you sell it?”, “How many have you already sold?”, Will it make money easily?”, etc. If you keep that in mind, then you will have a better chance of success as 9 out of 10 businesses fail within a year.

So once you have figured out how to monetize, or make money, or generate revenue, etc. etc. Then you move to the next stage which is share-ability. You need to make sure there is a message or WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) so it can grow like a virus, being shared and passed on from user to user. Then your last step is to make it Findable.

At the last stage, You will can craft the message like the website, the brochure, flyer, billboards, complementary blogs, radio commercials etc to make it Findable. This is how you maximize your chances of success (Notice, I’m not saying succeed, because if you don’t innovate, adapt, change, and actually deliver, all this is for nothing). Good luck.

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