The Trip – Day 3 – June 27

Day 3 Saturday

We are packed up and almost ready to go. We leave the hotel 6:30AM. Our train is at 7:45 AM from Paris to Cannes. A 5 hour trip on the 180MPH TGV bullet train

But this morning started when we went to Zoravar Antranig’s Kerezman today, it was impressive, but a loooooottttt of walking. Then we came back to the station and went to Verailles (Outside of the city of Paris. Very impressive place, but a loooooooottttt of walking. Did I mention there was a looooottt of walking? Anyway, there was a looooooottt of walking..

Afterwards, we came to the hotel, and after a half hour break we (Rosalin, I and the kids) went to Champs Elysees,and the Arc de Triumph. You’re not going to believe this but they have copied the one in the Paris hotel in Las Vegas to the “T” but made it much much bigger of course to relive the suspicion. Can you believe how these French get away with doing something like that

We ate at the Champs Elysees, 3 pizzas 5 Pepsis (each 10 oz). Paid 98 Euros ($140). Anyway, We made it back, all this while making extensive use of the Metro system. I know this by heart now. We get in get out change trains change routes, speak our version of the French and everything.

We walked roughly between 5.1 and 36.7 miles (yes on foot, I’m not good at approximating this when I’m hot and sweaty and am surrounded by 187 other sweaty people), so like I said, somewhere between 7.3 & 32.4 miles, I don’t know exactly, depends how much you can walk in about 10 hours!!! I did sweat like between 3.2 to 18.1 gallons (Sorry liters) of perspiration, I’m sure I was smelling like a ghawaffah. If you don’t know what a Ghawwafah is, you’re lucky. 3 showers today. I hate New York in the summer, except this is Paris.

Anyway, It was long, but I typed it fast so you can read it fast 🙂 Hope all is well there. God Willing, we’ll see you soon.


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