Vote for Pedro, he can be the most valuable and phenomenal president in United States History

I wish I could be president this round of elections. If we had voted for Pedro and he was elected president, I predict that  he will be the most valuable president in United States history. Why? Can things get any worse? Anyone getting into office today will appear to be the star player of the best team that had it’s worst season.So whichever candidate, Democrat, Republican or Ralph Nader, gets to be president will be hailed as the President that saved the United States. This is why both parties are fighting tooth and nail to get into the office. The stakes are very high and the more that the markets falter, the more valuable the position of the next president gets.When I started my MBA in 1997 I had great faith in the stock market. By the time I finished my Thesis in early 2000, I had no reason to lose faith. Little did I know that the walls in Wall Street, as it pertains to the Tech sector, were coming down. I am wondering what’s next? I am seeing GM’s stock closing way below $10/share (closed today at $6.91). I wonder what will happen tomorrow to United Airlines, Wachovia, AIG or GM. Cars need wings to fly out of car lots, nothing is selling. I have a feeling we are in for a few more 500+ down days in the market.

We still have not seen the bottom, so Mr. President, I’m going to say you are so lucky. Now is the time to become president. Just do the same thing the first President Bush did, coast through your presidency, don’t take on anything controversial and the Berlin Wall will fall, when you get to Baghdad, don’t go in etc. Just wait till everything corrects itself and get credit.


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