Why does the US Dollar go up and down against the Euro?

The US Dollar goes up and down, although we hear that it has something to do with consumer confidence, or other nations’ confidence in our currency, the fact remains that we are still the most consuming nation in the world. In the U.S. we consume 40% of the products in the world (heard it somewhere, I’m sure it changes a bit here and there).

But the U.S. Still controls things everywhere. We can spend like there is no tomorrow. Most people have not read “The richest man in Babylon“, but still spend like they are the richest man in Babylon without knowing what the strategies behind the richest man in Babylon were.

So, when it (The U.S.) wants to hurt Europe (Typically before summer when people are thinking about going to Europe for vacation), the dollar falls, and everything there becomes more expensive. Even pasta costs more. Did you know Europe is less than 1/4 the shipping distance from Saudi Arabia as the U.S. is, yet we pay almost half of what Eurpeans pay for gas? They get us back though, the Smart car is their station wagon 🙂

Anywhooo, Just some tidbits and my opinion. If you don’t like it, tough! I’m an American and I am entitled to my opinion, just like you are yours (however demented yours might be).

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