Removing, expunge, obliterate the damn annoying “Upgrade to Windows 10” reminder that comes up every time you are in your computer

I hate that “Upgrade to Windows 10 for FREE” reminder that pops up (seems every minute to me!). There are some computers that should not be upgraded to Windows 10, it’s not all, just some, like 97% should not be upgraded, but 30% should.

I don’t know if you are like me, but I feel as though all the upgrades, from Windows, to Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc etc. Are getting to be very frustrating. They all claim to close security loopholes, and enhance browsing etc. (I’m using too much etc., it’s because there are too many loose ends), back to the security loopholes and browsing enhancements:

I think the only group that benefits from the “Browsing Enhancements” are the companies providing these to us. They can better browse what we do on the computer, where we go, what we think, (Think of the movie Minority Report). And the “Security Loopholes” are probably the ones we had to avoid their constant badgering and annoyances.

Here’s a nice video showing how to remove the update from your list. Removing the GWX.exe file (GWX=Get Windows Ten) is a little more complicated, because you need to change ownership of the file from “Trusted Installer” to Your User Name, then you need to give yourself full control over it and then delete it. So if you don’t do that, It will keep coming up in your bottom tray and annoy you. This is a topic for another discussion. (You can always just click end process from the task manager to stop GWX.exe from running until the next reboot)



So if you are like me and want to just stay with Windows 7 or 8.1 (I even have one computer that’s on XP, hey I have 9 computers, I have to keep XP on one of them, it’s the most stable one 🙂 So if you would like to stop that annoying reminder, then go to your Windows Control Panel -> Programs and Features (Used to be Add/Remove Programs, it was too intuitive had to be changed!) -> View Installed Updates (It’s on the left side of the window as a link) -> Find the KB3035583 update and uninstall it.

It asked me to reboot it and then I was a happy camper. In case you want to know what this update has in it, Microsoft has a page devoted to it, and you can see it here:

Now that I read that page after all the problems, I am much happier that I found the update and removed it. I am going to be extra careful to avoid having it reinstall on a future update. I have that number permanently etched in my mind, I know it forwards and backwards, 3035583, 3035583, 3855303, etc etc., yes and another etc!!

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